Discover the blueprint to the person your soul has chosen to be in this lifetime.


HUman design reading

A 40 min+ video reading exploring key aspects of your own unique Human Design Chart - including your type, strategy, profile and defined/undefined centres.  We will also delve into lifestyle guidance, including the best way to sleep, exercise, eat and manifest according to your unique design.


What is human design?

If you like Astrology, you'll love Human Design. I describe it as Astrology on steroids!

By using your birth details, it gives a map of your body, and shows how to best use your energy in the world. It gives you clarity on why you are the way you are and helps you understand yourself on a much deeper level. By following and honouring your unique design, you will be on the path of least resistance, and be in a constant state of ease, flow and alignment.


Do i need to be present for the reading?

Nope! I will be recording your reading to send to you! You will receive a 40 min+ video of me exploring your chart!

How will the session work?

Your reading will be sent to you via email within 7 days of purchase. You will also receive a PDF of all of the reading notes of your chart!

CAN I ASK questions?

Of course! Once you receive your reading, feel free to reply to the email with any questions about your chart you may have!